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Exercise therapy Cesar/mensendieck

Do you want to move freely and without pain? No more neck and shoulder pain during work or discomfort in your hips, knees, and feet while walking? How about a day without headaches?

Perhaps you’ve been searching for a solution to your symptoms on your own, or you’ve been referred by your doctor or someone you know. You’re in the right place; we’re here to assist you and ready to help you achieve pain-free, smooth movement!

How do we help you further?

Would you like to make an appointment? Fill out the contact form, and we’ll get in touch with you soon. We’re here for you!

What is Cesar/Mensendieck therapy?

Cesar therapy, Mensendieck therapy, movement therapy… We go by many names, but we prefer to be called ‘exercise therapists.’ Cesar/Mensendieck therapy is a paramedical treatment method. The exercise therapist helps you adopt a healthy posture and learn to move smoothly. The exercise therapist helps you take control of your own body again, gain insight into your complaints, and learn to prevent, alleviate, or remedy them.
For physical complaints, think of injuries, stress-related complaints (such as headaches or hyperventilation), or pain in the back, neck, shoulders, knees, etc.

Exercise therapy has been promoting a healthier movement pattern for decades and has been proven effective.

We’re here for you if you’re experiencing:

  • Posture and movement complaints (pain in the back, neck, shoulders, knees, etc.)
  • (Tension) headaches and migraines
  • Psychosomatic complaints
  • Neurological complaints
  • Rheumatism/COPD/long Covid
  • Balance problems as you age

I've tried everything...

We hear it often; you’ve been everywhere, your family doctor, the physiotherapist, the gym… Why would you go to an exercise therapist?
Because we look at and work from a different perspective. We don’t just look at your complaint but at your body as a whole. How does your body work as a whole in your daily life, and how do your complaints arise? Together with you, we’ll solve this puzzle. So you’re not just working on the complaints but also on the cause.
This way, you gain more insight into your own body, learn to prevent and remedy your complaints, and recognize when they arise.

If we see that you need more support than exercise therapy, we have a large network of excellent healthcare providers who can help you further.


Cesar/Mensendieck therapy is reimbursed from the supplementary insurance; for chronic complaints, it is sometimes reimbursed from the basic insurance. For more information about reimbursement, click on the button below.

Would you like to know more or make an appointment? Contact us, and we’ll be happy to help you further.

Our specialists

Barbara, Bart, Eveline and Ranjeeta are our specialists for adults with physical complaints. Franchise therapist Esmeralda (Noordwijk location) is also ready to assist you.

Our specializations

In addition to regular Cesar/Mensendieck therapy, Balans in Bewegen specializes in treating children with motor problems and people (young and old) with sleep problems. We also help you further if you suffer from pelvic pain. Check out our specializations to read more about this.