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Exercise therapy children (kinderoefentherapie)

Children naturally enjoy moving with confidence. Unfortunately, movement doesn’t always come naturally. In our society, we are becoming increasingly less physically active, and at present, about 23% of children between the ages of 6 and 12 have a motor development delay.
Our own practice research also indicates that 29% of children cannot write well enough to keep up with the (writing) education in class.

Do you want your child to approach the climbing frame with confidence? To enjoy swimming or gym class more, or to write legibly and painlessly? To dare to start a craft project at school because cutting or folding finally works? We are happy to help your child so that they become more skilled in motor activities, gain self-confidence, and find joy in movement again! Make an appointment, and your child can often start within a week.

What is Exercise therapy for children (kinderoefentherapie)?

Exercise therapy for children is a specialization of Cesar/Mensendieck therapy aimed at helping children improve their motor skills. We help your child so that they:

Work method

We start with an intake with parent(s) and/or caregiver(s), sometimes the child is also present at the first appointment. Then we conduct an examination, looking at both the quality and quantity of movement. We can examine both gross and fine motor skills well with various tests. We write a report with a clear analysis, goal, and plan. We explain what we have observed and tell you how many treatments we think we need to help your child further. Then we start with the treatments.

The basis of our treatment is to stimulate enjoyment in movement by working with your child in a playful way. Your child often experiences practicing as playing. Every week we provide tips and advice for further practice at home. After the agreed number of treatments, we conduct a new examination of progress and write a new report. If necessary, we can extend the trajectory in the meantime.

We are committed to ensuring that your child regains joy and confidence in movement!


The reimbursement for pediatric physiotherapy comes from the basic insurance (always 18 times). If an extension is needed, it can be covered by your own additional insurance or by requesting a chronic referral from your GP. Click the button below for more information on reimbursements.

Excited? Do you want to give your child better motor skills and joy in movement? Or do you just want more information? Contact us, and we will help you promptly!

In the practice, we offer support for children on multiple developmental domains. Read below for more about our specializations within pediatric physiotherapy.

The first weeks as parents bring a lot of new experiences. You get to know your baby and have taken on a completely new role as a parent. This requires a lot of energy and attention. Unnoticed, your baby may develop a preference for turning its head to one side, which can lead to a misshapen skull and facial asymmetry. Moreover, it can hinder healthy motor development, as one side of the body may become stronger than the other.

At Balans in bewegen,Elise specializes in addressing these head preference issues in babies. She is ready to assist you in reducing the head preference and stimulating symmetrical motor development. For young babies, she also offers home visits to make it less burdensome for both you and your baby. Elise works exclusively in Den Haag, while for babies in Katwijk, we collaborate with other practices.

Want to enroll your baby?

During the first years, children grow and develop faster than at any other stage of their lives. From a helpless baby to a toddler who runs, jumps, and climbs everywhere. Your child learns essential skills through play that they will need for the rest of their lives. Usually, this development goes smoothly, but sometimes your child may need some extra support, for example, in learning to crawl, walk, or climb. We also help if your child falls frequently or develops an unusual walking pattern, such as toe walking. Together, we ensure that we establish a solid foundation upon which your baby or toddler can build for the rest of their lives!

Elise (The Hague) and Ranjeeta (Katwijk) can further assist your child in terms of movement and motor skills. Did you know we also have a super fun toddler gym for all toddlers in Den Haag? For more information about our toddler gym, check out our website.

Want to enroll your baby?

Teens often come to us with problems related to posture and movement. They may have a curvature of the spine (scoliosis) or experience back pain, neck pain, or headaches. Many teens also experience tension, leading to stress-related issues and/or poor sleep. Due to increased smartphone use and gaming among many young people, we are seeing more teens with physical complaints.

We help your teen to:

  • Maintain a good posture to ensure proper back support
  • Perform specific exercises in case of scoliosis
  • Use screens without causing discomfort
  • Become more physically active
  • Find a better balance during the day between activities and relaxation

Eveline, Ranjeeta, Bart and freelancher Esmeralda specialize in treating teens with physical complaints.

At our practice, we also treat children (from babies to teens) with sleep problems. Click here for more information about sleep therapy. Or schedule an appointment directly by clicking the button below.

Toilet training problems are common and can be challenging for both the child and the parents. Young children often don’t feel the urge to urinate properly during the day, for example, because they are too busy playing. As a result, they often (just) miss the toilet. Sometimes they may also have trouble relaxing, making it difficult for them to urinate or defecate when sitting on the toilet.

Older children are more likely to experience bedwetting because they do not wake up when they need to urinate. We also see many children who drink too little during the day, which can make toilet training more challenging.

We can help you and your child with:

  • Establishing a drinking and urination routine
  • Teaching proper urination and defecation posture
  • Achieving relaxation during the day so they can better sense the urge
  • Relaxing on the toilet

Eveline and Ranjeeta are our therapists who can help your child with toilet training.

Ready to enroll your child?

Children with sensory processing issues have difficulty processing information received through the senses. Most people are familiar with five senses: hearing, sight, smell, taste, and touch. Much less known are the vestibular sense (balance), proprioception (awareness of body position), and interoception (internal feelings).

When your child has sensory processing issues, it can manifest in various ways, such as motor problems, toilet training issues, concentration problems, planning problems, clumsiness, or quick temper.

Some examples:

  • Your child often knocks things over. Their clothes are often stained, and they don’t notice when clothing is put on incorrectly. They prefer to eat with their hands and struggle with using cutlery. Your child may have difficulty processing information from the tactile sense. They do not adequately distinguish between stimuli.
  • Your child does not enjoy going to the playground. When it’s crowded, they withdraw and prefer to play with pebbles and sand. They don’t enjoy going to amusement parks as they don’t like being moved around. Learning to ride a bike is a challenge, no matter what you try. Your child may experience stimuli from the vestibular sense too intensely, making them afraid of losing balance.

The Process
We start therapy with a parent meeting and, if desired, school observation. Then, we see your child several times at the practice and conduct an assessment of their motor and sensory development. We write a detailed report with a sensory profile and advice for home and school. We discuss the analysis, treatment goals, and plan with the parents. We also discuss how often we will see your child to work on the goals. The trajectories are often short, focusing on applying what they’ve learned in their daily lives. So, you’ll receive lots of practical advice and exercises. Within the practice, Elise and Lauran specialize in sensory processing; we’re here to help you!

Reimbursement and Waiting Times
The reimbursement for sensory processing therapy is slightly different from that for motor therapy. School visits and assessment reports are not covered by health insurance, so we charge €125 per session for these services. The waiting time for a session is currently between 2 and 3 months, but we are doing our best to assist your child as soon as possible!

Ready to enroll your child?

Our specialists