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Balans in bewegen at school

Balans in bewegen at Your School

Balans in Bewegen operates in schools in The Hague and Katwijk. At these schools, our therapists work with children facing motor skill challenges and those with specific needs related to academic skills such as writing, participating in gym class, and engaging in outdoor activities. We highly value collaboration with parents, teachers, and other support staff. Maintaining clear lines of communication and the ability to act swiftly is crucial. Offering therapy within the school setting often lowers the barrier for parents to seek help for their children.

We follow the ‘Child Exercise Therapy within School’ protocol in our school-based interventions. If you’d like to learn more about the types of assistance we offer, how to enroll, or the treatment process at school, check out our videos on our YouTube channel.

Interested in bringing child exercise therapy to your school? Get in touch with Elise. While we are currently not able to launch new locations, we are open to exploring alternative forms of collaboration!

The Hague

Algemene Hindoe Basisschool
Therapist: Ranjeeta Debi Tewari

Annie M.G. Schmidtschool
Therapist: Lauran Zwart

Openbare basisschool de Archipel
Therapist: Milan Absil

Openbare Basisschool de Baanbreker
Therapist: Lauran Zwart

Therapists: Ranjeeta Debi Tewari en Lauran Zwart

Christelijke basisschool de Elout
Therapist: Milan Absil

Eerste Nederlandse Montessorischool
Therapist: Bart Roorda

Basisschool Jeroen
Therapist: Milan Absil

Christelijke basisschool de Meerpaal
Therapist: Milan Absil

Basisschool 't Palet
Therapists: Bart Roorda en Lauran Zwart

Openbare basisschool de Tweemaster
Therapist: Milan Absil

Montessorischool Valkenbos
Therapist: Bart Roorda


Mr. J.J.L. van der Brugghenschool
Therapist: Bart Duivenvoorden

Therapist: Ranjeeta Debi Tewari

Prins Willem-Alexanderschool
Therapist: Bart Duivenvoorden

OBS de Verrekijker
Therapist: Bart Duivenvoorden

Willem van Veenschool
Therapist: Bart Duivenvoorden
