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Work method


  1. Call or email Balans in Bewegen to schedule your first appointment or to obtain more information.
  2. We will look for an available slot in the schedule as soon as possible (usually within one week). Please note, the waiting time for sensory processing therapy programs is unfortunately longer, often several months.
  3. For your initial appointment, please bring your insurance card if you are covered for therapy (see: reimbursement and rates). If you have a referral, please bring that as well along with your identification card.

First appointment

During the first appointment, an intake will take place where your main concern will be the focus. Together, we will discuss what we can do for you. For children, the intake will typically involve both the child and their parent(s)/caregiver(s). In cases of sensory processing issues, we often opt for a parent-only meeting without the child present.

Following the intake, the examination will take place. In exercise therapy, the examination aims to provide a clear picture of your posture and movement patterns. Additionally, we conduct various tests, such as assessing the mobility of your joints. With children, we often administer motor skill tests.

After the examination, we will collaborate with you to establish clear treatment goals and plans, and we will document these for the general practitioner and potentially the school or other institutions. Evaluation moments are also included in the treatment plan.

Progress and Closure

The number of appointments and the frequency vary greatly. During the pre-planned evaluation moments, we discuss with you whether further guidance is still necessary or if the sessions can be reduced. At the end, we will send another report to your general practitioner and potentially the school or other institutions. Of course, it is always possible to come back later for a “refresher” treatment or to assess your child’s motor skills. We look forward to seeing you!